Recruitment of Clerical Cadre 2012-13
Andhra Bank invites applications for the Clerical Cadre posts, from Indian citizens who have taken the Common Written Examination for Clerical cadre conducted by IBPS in 2011-12 and have a valid Score card issued by IBPS.
Payment of Application Fees 21.04.2012 to 05.05.2012
Opening date for Online Registration 21.04.2012
Last Date for Online Registration 05.05.2012
Name Of the Posts: Clerk
No of the Posts: 600( SC-129,ST-81,OBC-108,GEN-282)
Pay scale: 7200-400/3-8400-500/3 -9900 – 600/4 – 12300 – 700/7 – 17200 -1300/1 – 18500 – 800/1 – 19300 plus DA, HRA, etc. As per Bipartite Settlement amended from time to time.
Age: Minimum : 18 years Maximum : 28 years (Relaxation of age for reserved category as per Govt. guidelines)
Education Qualification: Graduation in any discipline from any recognized University.
Essential Qualification: IBPS Score obtained in CWE for Clerks 2011-12
(as stipulated above)
-Candidates should have appeared for Common Written Examination for Clerks held in Nov/Dec 2011 from a centre in a State/UT for which vacancies
he/she wishes to apply
-Candidate should have proficiency in the official language of the State/UT (ability to read, write and speak local/state language) in which they have
appeared for the Common Written Examination and qualified.
-Computer Knowledge is essential (proficiency in MS Office Basic Applications).
-Candidate should be willing to be initially posted at any place in that State/Union Territory in which they have appeared for CWE and serve for a minimum period of 5 years in that State/Union Territory.
Application Fee: SC/ST/Persons with Disability (PWD)/ Ex-SM 50/-
General/OBC 150/-
How to Apply: Candidates are required to apply online through website No other means/ mode of application will be accepted.
for other information challan form and general terms and conditions please visit: